Moving In
Moving in is always a hectic time. Here is a handy list of Boerne resources for your consideration:
Electric: Verizon, 800-483-5400
Telephone: K2C TelCom, 888-800-1849
Internet Provider: Bee Creek Communications, 866-990-1258
Internet Provider: GVTC, 800-367-4882
Post Office: USPS, 6607 E. Blanco, Boerne, TX 78006
Newspaper: The Boerne Star, 830-249-2456
Newspaper: Hill Country Weekly, 830-331-8454
Animal Control, 830-249-2456
Chamber of Commerce, 830-249-8000
City Offices, 830-249-9511
City Utilities, 830-249-9511
Community Center, 830-249-2811
County Offices, 830-249-9343
DPS Driver's License, 830-249-6335
Hill country Animal League, 830-249-8040
Police, 830-249-8645
Public Library, 830-249-3053
County Sheriff, 830-249-9721
Security Company: Security Werks, 210-499-5760